At ‘The ROIboosting Academy’ you can find multiple formulas like Sales Coaching B2B, Sales Coaching B2C and Leadership Coaching.
Besides that, the ‘Academy’ is also a specialist in what we call Speed Reading and Public Speaking. It only takes us a couple of hours to make you a more confident speaker or to at least double your read speed.
The strength of a business can usually be found in the capacity of the staff. The manager that invests in education and training of its staff creates a company that goes strong in a competitive market.
The In-Company Training sessions are personalized to your business. This way, you will able to give your salesmen and/or your dealers the necessary support to distribute your products and services powerfully to the market.
Speed Reading
Want to read faster and even understand more of what you read? Come to one of our Speed Reading session or organize one for your team, and we'll teach you.
By learning how to read faster, you'll increase your efficiency. So why hesitate?
Growth Festival
The aim of an Open Training is to keep the threshold to attend a training as low as possible. Participants get the contents of three coaching modules all in one intensive coaching day.
Thanks to the participant package (handout + audio CDs), each participant can reiterate the session after the training until it is integrated into its way of thinking and doing.
Bootcamp Sales
By participating in one of our Sales Bootcamps, you can learn how to possibly double your sales results. We offer intensive training and coaching from top-class coach Chris Cotteleer and practical exercises with professional actors. Besides that this bootcamp contains a session “walk like a winner” taught by well-known choreographer Michel Froget.
Public Speaking
“Public Speaking” is still a number one fear for many people. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By following our two-day seminar, we can teach you to give a successful speech.
Everyone who wants to learn how to speak in public can benefit from our seminar. We will also put you into action yourself, so you can learn while doing. So why wait to conquer your fear?
Bootcamp Leaderhip
Through intensive training and coaching, working on cases, brainstorming with your fellow participants and body training (from famous choreographer Michel Froget) you’ll get a mixture of theory and practical exercises. It doesn’t matter in which industry you’re active and what products or services you sell, this bootcamp will surely bring you to the next level.